Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Seahawks hire Carroll

The Seahawks announced yesterday that they have hired Pete Carroll as their head coach. This has been rumored for a few days and was not a big surprise. Carroll has four years of NFL Check Spellingexperience. One with the Jets and three with the Patriots. Carroll went 6-10 as the Jets head coach. He had the Jets at 6-5 and playing for first place when the Miami Dolphins and Dan Marino came in and beat the Jets in the famous Fake Spike game. After that game the Jets lost out and Carroll was fired. Carroll was hired two years later by the Patriots and he carried them to the playoffs once. Many people feel Carroll succeeded in New England because he inherited Bill Parcells Patriots team. Peter King wrote a great article chronicling the coaches who have had success in the college football FBS division but did not translate to the NFL.

Knowing those statistics and what Pete Carroll has done before I do not expect this to be a good situation for him or the Seahawks. I want to see Carroll do well but I just do not see it happening. Another coach was quoted as saying "It is easier to coach a non-rich 19 year old than a rich 25 year old." It will be fun to see Carroll's transition back to the NFL and we will watch it closely.

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