Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Divisional Weekend

So I had a 1-3 Wildcard weekend and my NFC Championship was knocked out. That is ok. I will recover with my picks this week. Lets hope these games are more entertaining than last week. Now onto my picks.

Cardinals at Saints: Kurt Warner comes off a great game. He had more touchdowns than incompletions. Though the defense saved the Cardinals in ot it was a real problem for them Sunday. As for the Saints they come off taking a few weeks off at the end of the season and many question how in sync the team is. These are two high powered offenses with average defenses. If Kurt Warner plays like he did last week this will be a great shootout to see. I do see a shootout but I see the Saints winning because they are at home and their defense is a bit better than the Cardinals. Saints 38-27.

Ravens at Colts: In the surprise of last weekend the Ravens ran and played great defense to bounce the Patriots out of the playoffs. The Ravens will use the same gameplan in this game. They will try to keep running to keep the ball out of Peyton Manning's hand. As for the well rested Colts the only question is with so much rest do they have too much rust? Peyton is having one of his bets years as a qb and coming off his fourth league MVP. The Colts will look to spread the field and throw all over it as usual. With Joe Flacco having an injured hip I see that hampering him in this game and for the Ravens to throw the ball about ten times again. If the Ravens get behind early and Flacco has to pass it will be a long day for the Ravens. I do not see the Ravens falling behind early. I see a close hard fought game and the Ravens winning a close one 17-13.

Cowboys at Vikings: The Cowboys have been playing great the last few weeks and many people feel that they may go to the Super Bowl. If they play like they did last week they will be tough to beat. As for the Vikings the question comes down to Bryant McKinney and Phil Loadholt. Can these two open holes for Peterson and protect Favre. If not protected Favre may go back to his gunslinger ways and throw picks. I think the Cowboys pressure Favre all day and earn a trip to the NFC Title game 27-17.

Jets at Chargers: Many people feel the Jets should not be here. They are this year's Cinderella team. They have gotten here with some luck and a strong running and defensive game. Mark Sanchez not only managed the game last week but might have had one of his games as a pro. The question is can the Jets stop the Chargers passing offense. Phillip Rivers and company all have had career years. Without much of a running game the passing game has come full circle and have carried this team. I see a closer game than people think but the Chargers holding on 27-20.

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