Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Championship Weekend

So lets talk about the two best games of the playoffs.

Jets at Colts
The young upstart Cinderella team going to the older established team. The young quarterback with a good looking future verse the savvy veteran who has a ring and is looking for another to solidify his standing as one of the best ever. The Jets landed the first punch in the first half. They jumped out to a 17-6 lead and the rookie quarterback played great. The Jets defense was all over the veteran and he was confused by what they were doing. Then with two minutes left in the first half the future Hall of Fame quarterback figured it all out and on three plays (one which was a beautiful pass) the Colts pulled to within 17-13. At that time you could see the momentum switch and the veteran quarterback had it figured out. In the second half the Jets offense was stopped and the veteran quarterback lead his team to three more scoring drives to win the game 30-17.

This was a good game all the way through. The Jets played great and proved to people they belonged. The better team won on Sunday and is heading to the Super Bowl. The Jets were frustrated with the loss and have some questions.
1. What if Donald Strickland and Shonne Greene did not get injured?
2. What if Jay Feeley hit the two missed field goals?
Whenever a team loses they always have questions. The Jets played a great game and the rookie quarterback came of age. An achille all year he proved he will not be that anymore. He had a great game and he has a bright future. For long suffering Jet fans (41 years) there time maybe now.

As for the Colts they are going back to the Super Bowl for the second time in four years. They are going to Miami where they won four years ago and are hoping weather does not affect them this time. They are going with a better all around team. With possibly the best qb in the game today and a better special teams and defensive unit it will be to see them there again.

Vikings at Saints
This game played similar to what I expected. Turnovers were huge in this game and at one point it looked like the Vikings were trying to give the game up (which they did). I expected a high scoring game with the Saints pulling away late. That never happened. It looked like Drew Brees was having an issue throwing the ball which might have prevented that. Luckily for the Saints Adrian Peterson kept fumbling and kept them in the game. If not for his turnovers the Vikings would have won by two touchdowns. Peterson can not be the only Viking who is knocked. Brett Favre made a rookie type mistake on the final drive (and maybe his final throw in the NFL) by throwing across his body. The ball was intercepted by the Saints and took the game into OT. If Favre ran, threw the ball away, or completed a pass to his outlet it would have set the Vikings up for a 55 yard plus field goal attempt. Instead it ended the drive and let the game go into OT. The Saints won the toss got a bad pass interference call and were able to kick the field goal to go to Miami.

Favre was battered by the Saints defense all day. It is truly amazing how he can play and deal with pain. The way he was battered in this game you figured he would have been out. I believe most other qbs would be out, but he is able to take the abuse and keep playing. The Vikings will hold this loss for awhile because they played a great game and out gained the Saints by about 200 yards. Turnovers really hurt this team. Adrian Peterson needs to learn how to hold onto the ball better and maybe Tiki Barber can teach him. Favre said he is not sure if he will come back and we all know we will have this drama in the offseason. Will he or won't he? If he does the Vikings will battle again for a Super Bowl. With the way Favre was hit it is no surprise he said he will not play again.

As for the Saints they did not have the best offensive game. Brees seemed bothered by something and Reggie Bush was held in check. The defense was relentless all game and gave the Vikings offense fits the whole day. The Saints enter the Super Bowl as a well wounded team who will be a match for the Colts. Seeing Brees and Manning go at it will be a real treat. Not to be lost in this victory is the city of New Orleans. The city has been through alot and has been very supportive of this team and this team has given them many great memories and have helped heal the city. To reward the city the Aints no more w are going to their first ever Super Bowl.

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Bills Hire Gailey

The Buffalo Bills have hired Chan Gailey as their head coach. Gailey was fired last year a week before the season as the offensive coordinator of the Chiefs. Gailey is a good coach but people complain about his conservative play calling. The Bills were looking for an offensive minded coach. Gailey did a nice job in Dallas with an aging Super Bowl team. Jerry Jones even admits Gailey did a good job there but he did not give him a chance. Hopefully Gailey will get a chance in Buffalo.

Many people turned down interviewing for the Buffalo job which is a sad situation. None of them said why but many speculate these reasons:

1. No one knows where Buffalo will be in two years. They have been linked to moving to Toronto or Los Angeles. No coach would want to move a family to Buffalo and then in a year or two move elsewhere.

2. The uncertainty of owner Ralph Wilson. Wilson is 90 years old and around NFL circles is known to be a vocal owner. Coaches do not like that and it turned some of them off.

3. Some of the hotter coaches that were asked to interview are currently with playoff teams and feel something special is happening with their team and do not want to leave before they can fulfill one of their dreams.

4. The talent level in Buffalo is not that great and it will be a rebuilding job there. Coaches see that they get two maybe three years to rebuild and usually are fired before they can complete the job and some see that happening in Buffalo.

5. As Elisabeth Hasselbeck said on NFL Live yesterday some people might not of wanted to go there because of the weather.

Now no one will know why people did not want the Buffalo job but as I said before Buffalo is a great place for football. They have a strong fan base and avid fans. Unfortunately Buffalo has been hit hard by this economy and the team has not been playing well so it leads to not as many season tickets and the likelihood of a team relocating. I hope this team can bounce back and Northeast New York can keep their team. The history in Buffalo (OJ Simpson, the '90's Bills) is too rich for them to move but this may not be in sentimental hands and come down to money. I am not one for relocation but if this move were to happen this is one I can understand.

Championship Games

So here we are the last NFL weekend before the Super Bowl. In the NFC you have the 1 and 2 teams and in the AFC you have the 1 seed verse the underdog surprise team. It will be a fun end to the NFL season.

Jets at Colts
Defense verse offense. The best qb in the NFL verse the best defense in the NFL. Who wins? Do the Jets get lucky and have Stover miss two or three field goals much like in the first two rounds of the playoffs. When these two teams met in week 16 the Colts sat their starters midway through the 3rd quarter. This lead to a Jet victory and a chance for the Jets to make the playoffs and to standing here. At the time the Colts pulled their starters they were up 15-10. The Jets offense did not do much (kickoff return for a td) and Peyton found a way to get the ball to his receivers all day. If you asked me a few weeks ago about this game I would have said the Colts would win by two touchdowns. Now I believe the Jets defense has hit their stride and are believing themselves and are making me and many other believers. Also the Jets run game has been excellent the last few weeks. For these two reasons I see a close game. The way I see this game playing out is that the Colts will have a 20-14 lead in the 4th quarter. Peyton and the Colts offense will have the ball and need a td to more or less end the game. Peyton being the player that he is will throw a late td to end the Jets dream season. The Colts win 27-14. One other interesting note about this game the winner will send a rookie head coach to the Super Bowl for the first time.

Vikings at Saints
The battle of offenses that play great on turf. This will be a great game. I expect a high scoring game. The Saints can score anywhere at anytime and the Vikings can do the same. Did Reggie Bush show last week what he can do? If yes the Saints will be hard to stop. Which Favre will show up? The one we saw last week who hit everyone and had a near perfect game or the gunslinger who makes ill advised throws. I do not expect to see the gunslinger. This game may come down to who has the ball last. I see a close game but since the Saints are at home (where it is tough for an away team to play) and Brees gets rid of the ball so quickly I see them winning 31-27.

So my new updated Super Bowl has the two number on seeds meeting in Miami.

Divisional Wrap Up

Well it was another weekend of not so great games except the last one. The Divisional round is usually the best round but this year it disappointed just like the Wildcard round.

Cardinals at Saints
This game was a weird game,. The Cards jumped out early with a Hightower 80 yard run and it looked like it would be another barn burner. Then the Saints tied it and then took the lead and never looked back. Reggie Bush brought the wood. He ran hard the whole game and looked to make contact with defenders. Because of this he was able to have a 46 yard td run and a punt return. After the first play of scrimmage the Saints defense settled in and only let up one more td along the way and the defense knocked Kurt Warner out after an interception. If Bush runs the way he ran on Sunday along with the rest of the Saints offense and the defense plays the same the Saints will have no problem with the Vikings. The Saints were motivated in this game and one reason why was because they resigned fan and team favorite Deuce McCallister who lead them out onto the field.

Ravens at Colts
This game was not what it was cracked up to be. The Ravens defense did their part in keeping Peyton and Co to 20 points. Had Ed Reed not fumbled or a pass interference called on his two interception this game might have been different but that was the only real hope the Ravens had all game. Flacco seemed more injured than the Ravens lead on and that really hurt their offense. Peyton and Co did their job and the Colts defense played a great game and are under appreciated.

Cowboys at Vikings
This game was like the others. The Vikings jumped out early and never looked back. Favre looked like old and had a laser all day. Sidney Rice had a phenomenal game and the Vikings defense harassed Romo and the Cowboys all day. The only controversy all day was if the Vikings were pouring it on throwing for a td with under two minutes. Keith Brooking did not like this and many have debated. I do not like running up the score but looking at the play and the circumstance I do not believe the Vikings were trying to run up the score. It was a 4th and 3 and Favre had max protect and had a short and long option. The short player was covered so he went for the deep option who happened to be in the endzone. So I do not think it was running up the score but I understand the Cowboys being upset. I also agree with one ESPN announcer saud that in the NFL no one runs up the score.

Jets at Chargers
In the game of the week and the shocker of the weekend the upstart underdog Jets beat every one's pick for the Super Bowl Chargers. This was a fun game to watch. Though the Jets offense could get nothing going in the first quarter and a half they were fortunate enough to have the defense play well and survive the playoff rush and not fall behind. The Jets were then able to get to their bread and butter ground and pound. Defense and running the ball. Once the Jets accomplished that they took over the game. A late push by the Chargers made it a three point game but a failed onsides and a failure to stop the Jets run game resulted in the Chargers loss plus three missed field goal by pro bowl kicker Nate Kaeding (one was a 57 yarder).

The Championship games should be fun to watch. Can the 40 year old Favre lead the Vikings over the Saints? Can Manning figure out the Jets defense? We will see on Sunday.

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Crennel to Chiefs

Just call Kansas City New England west. When will Bellichek go there. Scott Pioli, Charlie Weiss, and Romeo Crennel are reunited again. They all worked with the Patriots together from 2001-2004. Crennel going to the Chiefs is no surprise. This has been rumored for awhile. I think this will help the Chiefs. They have a young hungry coach who wants to prove something and two of the best coordinators in the game. I still think the Chiefs are two years away from being a playoff contender but they are building something that looks good for the future. Having a franchise qb, a young rb, two coordinators who excellent, and a head coach who has shown promise and I think this is a recipe of the Chiefs becoming relevant again.

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Seahawks hire Carroll

The Seahawks announced yesterday that they have hired Pete Carroll as their head coach. This has been rumored for a few days and was not a big surprise. Carroll has four years of NFL Check Spellingexperience. One with the Jets and three with the Patriots. Carroll went 6-10 as the Jets head coach. He had the Jets at 6-5 and playing for first place when the Miami Dolphins and Dan Marino came in and beat the Jets in the famous Fake Spike game. After that game the Jets lost out and Carroll was fired. Carroll was hired two years later by the Patriots and he carried them to the playoffs once. Many people feel Carroll succeeded in New England because he inherited Bill Parcells Patriots team. Peter King wrote a great article chronicling the coaches who have had success in the college football FBS division but did not translate to the NFL.

Knowing those statistics and what Pete Carroll has done before I do not expect this to be a good situation for him or the Seahawks. I want to see Carroll do well but I just do not see it happening. Another coach was quoted as saying "It is easier to coach a non-rich 19 year old than a rich 25 year old." It will be fun to see Carroll's transition back to the NFL and we will watch it closely.

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Divisional Weekend

So I had a 1-3 Wildcard weekend and my NFC Championship was knocked out. That is ok. I will recover with my picks this week. Lets hope these games are more entertaining than last week. Now onto my picks.

Cardinals at Saints: Kurt Warner comes off a great game. He had more touchdowns than incompletions. Though the defense saved the Cardinals in ot it was a real problem for them Sunday. As for the Saints they come off taking a few weeks off at the end of the season and many question how in sync the team is. These are two high powered offenses with average defenses. If Kurt Warner plays like he did last week this will be a great shootout to see. I do see a shootout but I see the Saints winning because they are at home and their defense is a bit better than the Cardinals. Saints 38-27.

Ravens at Colts: In the surprise of last weekend the Ravens ran and played great defense to bounce the Patriots out of the playoffs. The Ravens will use the same gameplan in this game. They will try to keep running to keep the ball out of Peyton Manning's hand. As for the well rested Colts the only question is with so much rest do they have too much rust? Peyton is having one of his bets years as a qb and coming off his fourth league MVP. The Colts will look to spread the field and throw all over it as usual. With Joe Flacco having an injured hip I see that hampering him in this game and for the Ravens to throw the ball about ten times again. If the Ravens get behind early and Flacco has to pass it will be a long day for the Ravens. I do not see the Ravens falling behind early. I see a close hard fought game and the Ravens winning a close one 17-13.

Cowboys at Vikings: The Cowboys have been playing great the last few weeks and many people feel that they may go to the Super Bowl. If they play like they did last week they will be tough to beat. As for the Vikings the question comes down to Bryant McKinney and Phil Loadholt. Can these two open holes for Peterson and protect Favre. If not protected Favre may go back to his gunslinger ways and throw picks. I think the Cowboys pressure Favre all day and earn a trip to the NFC Title game 27-17.

Jets at Chargers: Many people feel the Jets should not be here. They are this year's Cinderella team. They have gotten here with some luck and a strong running and defensive game. Mark Sanchez not only managed the game last week but might have had one of his games as a pro. The question is can the Jets stop the Chargers passing offense. Phillip Rivers and company all have had career years. Without much of a running game the passing game has come full circle and have carried this team. I see a closer game than people think but the Chargers holding on 27-20.

Sunday, January 10, 2010

Wildcard Weekend

So the wildcard weekend has wrapped up and three of the games were not eventful but the NFL saved the best for last. It was ashame the first three games of the weekend were not that entertaining because the Wildcard and Divisional weekends are two of the best football weekends of the year. So onto the games.

Jets at Bengals: In the first of the three rematch games of the previous week the Jets ran the ball to victory. Mark Sanchez had an excellent passing day (two drops and a batted ball at the line of scrimmage were the only incompletions) but Shonne Green and and Thomas Jones had big days running the ball which won this game. The Jets defense played well again against the Bengals though Cedric Benson did his best to keep the Bengals in the game. The Jets defense shut down Chad Ochocinco and the Bengals pass offense. Plus two missed field goals and the Jets came away with the victory. Also great job by Jay Feely to fill in as a punter for the Jets.

Eagles at Cowboys: The Cowboys, Wade Phillips, and Tony Romo get over the hill. They all win their first playoff game and the organizations first since 1996. The Cowboys played great defense against the Eagles and had a very well balanced offensive attack. Many thought a few weeks ago the Eagles were peaking at the right time but many feel now it is the Cowboys. It will be a fun game against the Vikings next week.

Ravens at Patriots : This was the most shocking game of the weekend. The Patriots got smacked at home. The Ravens threw the ball ten times and just ran down the Patriots throat. The run defense was the strength of the Patriots and it let them down. On offense the Patriots really missed Wes Welker and Randy Moss could not break free. It will be a long offseason is New England. As for the Ravens they will be a real challenge for the Colts on Saturday night.

Packers at Cardinals: Thanks go out to both of these teams for a great game. The Packers offense lead by Aaron Rodgers played fantastic and with youth on their side have a very bright future. The Packers defense, the strong point all year, could not stop an almost perfect Kurt Warner. The Cardinals offense was excellent and the defense was suspect until the last play. Sure footed Neil Rackers missed a game winning field goal which was a surprise but the Cardinals survived and go up against a high powered Drew Brees offense and the Saints. What a game this should be. Also Kurt Warner after this game please do not retire we will miss you.

Friday, January 8, 2010

Mora Fired!!!

Jim Mora was fired today by the Seattle Seahawks. This did not come as a surprise as the Seahawks had a tough year and seemed to not show up the last few games of the year. Leslie Frasier (defensive coordinator of the Vikings) and Pete Carroll (USC Head Coach) are the two front runners for the job.

Between the two I would prefer Frasier. Carroll has already coached in the NFL with the Jets and Patriots and like Nick Saban I think he is a better college coach. This would be Frasier's first head coaching job and I think he will be a good coach. Much like Mike Tomlin has been with the Steelers. Tomlin worked for Frasier when he was with the Vikings.

2010 Mock Draft Part 1

Here is my first mock draft of the year. This will change a few times but here are my thoughts before the combine.

1. St. Louis Rams- Ndamukong Suh, DT, Nebraska: I really want to say that the Rams should go with a qb here but the top 5 players are good I do not know if they deserve the number 1 spot. Also when rebuilding you want to rebuild both the offensive and defensive lines. Who better than the best defensive lineman coming out in a long time.

My one knock on taking a d-lineman number 1 is that I look at what the Jets did this year without Kris Jenkins and look at the players they replaced him with and how well they did and none of them are known names. That being said Suh is the right pick here.

2. Detroit Lions- Gerarld McCoy, DT, Oklahoma: Back to back d-linemen. The Lions will be happy with Suh or McCoy (though they are hoping they get Suh).

3. Tampa Bay Buccanneers- Eric Berry, S, Tennessee: The Bucs would have loved Suh or McCoy to fall to them but are thrilled to get a playmaking safety who will make an immediate impact on their defense.

4. Washington Redskins- Jimmy Clauson, QB, Notre Dame: The Redskins may keep Jason Campbell around but will look for a qb. To me Clauson in the most ready to play in the NFL of the qbs coming out having played in Charlie Weis's offense. The Redskins may go with Bradford (depending on how his shoulder is), or McCoy as well.

5. Kansas City Chiefs-Russell Okung, OT, Oklahoma State: Scott Pioli follows the Parcells philosophy that you build the o-line and d-line when rebuilding and goes with the best o-linemen on the board.

6. Seattle Seahawks-Sam Bradford, QB, Oklahoma: This pick will depend on the health of Bradford but the Seahawks need a qb and Bradford is a prototypical NFL qb. As I said before we will have to see what is said about his injury.

7. Cleveland Browns-Joe Haden, CB, Florida: This pick will be decided on based what happens with the qbs and if Mike Holgrem feels that Brady Quinn is the qb of the future. I think Holgrem gives Quinn another year like he did with Mangini. If so he goes for the best value and Haden is that. He has the potential to be a shutdown corner and Mangini does do well with the secondary.

8. Oakland Raiders- Anthony Davis, OT, Rutgers: This pick will come down to if the Raiders have given up on Jamarcus Russell or not and rumblings are saying that Al Davis has not. If that is true the Raiders need to beef up their line and Davis will help do that.

9. Buffalo Bills- Bruce Campbell, OT, Maryland: The Bills need help along the line and will be thrilled to have Campbell or Davis. Campbell is the one that falls to them. He will help their o-line immediately.

10. Jacksonville Jaguars-Rolando McClain, LB, Alabama: So I went back and forth with this pick. The Jaguars need a franchise qb and everyone has linked them and Tim Tebow. At ten I just do not see it. Tebow in a wildcat formation will really help a team but as a traditional qb I just do not see it. McClain was the leader on the National Championship team and will make this defense a very good one. His game translates nicely to the NFL and will make an impact early.

11. Denver Broncos-Dan Williams, NT, Tennessee: The Broncos defense slowed towards the end of the year. Williams will bring bulk to this team and will help them not wear down. This will help Elvis Dumerville on the outside because he will command double teams as well as the Broncos run defense. The Broncos were hoping for McClain but will be happy with a massive defensive tackle.

12. Miami Dolphins- Dez Bryant, WR, Oklahoma St.: Parcells does not take wide receivers in the first round. He knows he needs to get younger on his defense but he also knows his offense is in need of a wide receiver and it has hurt them. Because of this he goes with the receiver.

13. San Francisco 49ers-Derrick Morgan, DE, Georgia Tech: Morgan will help the 49ers with their pass rush. One area the 9ers needed to upgrade was their pass rushing skills and this will help them.

14. Seattle Seahawks-CJ Spillier,RB, Clemson: Spiller is the most elusive back in this draft. He is a homerun hitter who can take it to the house when he gets his hands on the ball. The Seahawks really need a player like this and Spiller fits them to a t.

15. New York Giants- Brian Price, DT, UCLA: When the Giants made it to the Super Bowl two years ago it was the defensive line and the pass rush that helped this team win that game. The Giants defense failed them this year. Former GM Ernie Acorsi believed that the o-line and d-line were the integral part of the team. Jerry Reese believes that too. The Giants may take a linebacker here too.

16. Tennessee Titans-Everson Griffen, DE, USC: The Titans did not have much of a pass rush this year and want to get away from blitzing to cause pressure on the qb. Griffen will do that for them.

17. San Francisco 49ers-Trent Williams, OT, Oklahoma: The 9ers select a tackle with the 2nd pick of their 1st round. They had trouble protecting the qb and Williams will help with that.

18. Pittsburgh Steelers-Taylor Mays, S, USC: Both their backup safeties are free agents and they need a player there. Imagine Polamalu teaching Mays and playing next to each other. This could be the best safety tandem in the league very quickly.

19. Atlanta Falcons-Donovan Warren, CB, Michigan: The Falcons secondary was a downfall for them last year and they need help. Warren fills that need.

20. Houston Texans-Damian Williams, WR, USC: Andre Johnson needs a number 2. With the possible loss of Kevin Walter Williams is the best option here. He fills a need and will be a nice complement to Johnson.

21. New York Jets-Earl Thomas, FS, Texas: The Jets could go for a corner to put opposite Darrelle Revis, and a rush linebacker but were burnt by Vernon Gholston they may shy away. Knowing that they will look to help the secondary and with Kerry Rhodes having a hot and cold relationship with Rex Ryan they may look to replace him and Thomas is the best option at this point.

22. Baltimore Ravens-Jermaine Gresham, TE, Oklahoma: The Ravens need a receiver in the worse way but with Bryant and Williams off the board they go for a pass catching tight end. Gresham is big and athletic who will prove to be mismatches for safeties and linebackers.

23. Arizona Cardinals-Jerry Hughes, DE/OLB, TCU: Hughes will be the first rush linebacker selected. Many teams have been scared off by these rush linebackers because of the development of Vernon Gholston. Hughes has more upside than Gholston and the Cardinals need a true pass rusher.

24. Green Bay Packers-Bryan Bulaga, OT, Iowa: The Packers need help along the offensive line after the beating Aaron Rodgers took this year. Bulaga will bring that help and solidify the side he is playing for awhile. Aaron Rodgers will be a happy man.

25. Cincinnati Bengals-Brandon LaFell, WR, LSU: The Bengals need a number 2 opposite Chad Ochocince. LaFell fits that bill.

26. New England Patriots-Terrence Cody, DT, Alabama: The Patriots get the best defensive tackle available. They need help defensively to help an aging team. Cody helps in a big way.

27. Philadelphia Eagles-Greg Romeus, DT, Pittsburgh: The Eagles did not have the rush off the edge they liked and looked at Romeus and felt he could provide that. Others are available for the Eagles to take but Romeus is the best fit for them.

28. Dallas Cowboys-Ras I Dowling, CB, Virginia: The last few years the Cowboys have selected players in the secondary and with a talent like this at 28 it is hard for them to pass up. Ras will come in and push for a starting job.

29. Minnesota Vikings- Mike Iupati, G, Idaho: It is hard to believe that the Vikings line fell apart at the end of the year. To help them get their mojo back they take Iupati. He is a rugged physical player who will help protect the retired/unretired Brett Favre or whoever qbs this team. He will also assist Adrian Peterson and open more wholes for him.

30. San Diego Chargers- Jahvid Best, RB, Cal: As much help the Chargers need at the d-line position Best is tough to pass up here. With LT probably moving on the Chargers will need a compliment to Darren Sproles and Best would give them that.

31. New Orleans Saints- Sean Weatherspoon, OLB, Missouri: Weatherspoon will fit nicely next to Johnathon Vilma and Scott Shanle. This team has good players at every position and can go for the best fit and Weatherspoon is that guy.

32. Indianapolis Colts- Charles Brown, OT, USC: Tony Ugoh will probably leave do to free agency. The Colts will need a tackle to replace him and Brown fits that mold.

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Weis to Chiefs Crennel Next?

Charlie Weis has been named the Chiefs offensive coordinator. Their was a lot of speculation of where Weis may go but the Chiefs job makes the most sense. Head Coach Todd Haley worked with Weis when they were assistants with the Jets. They have a similar offensive scheme and Weis's connection with Scott Pioli from his Patriot days. Official announcement should come in the next 24-48 hours.

Haley did not comment on defensive coordinator Clancy Pendergast but rumors have been swirling that Romeo Crennel will replace Pendergast. Again this is another Jet/Patriot Parcells/Belichek connection. If Haley does add Crennel he would have two great coordinators. You add in how well the Chiefs played towards the end of the season and the Chiefs are on the right track in year two of the rebuilding project.

Team Needs

So I will update this as teams get eliminated from the playoffs and so on. So for now lets look at the 20 teams that did not make the playoffs and what they may need to get there.

AFC East

1. Buffalo Bills

A. Well they need a head coach and coaching staff first.

B. As for free agency and the draft they will be looking for a qb of the future. Trent Edwards regressed and it looks like the Bills are done with him. Ryan Fitzpatrick filled in nicely and is not a qb of the future and Brian Brohm did not impress in his one game (though I think he can play).

C. Help along the offensive line. After trading and releasing starters their line really struggled this year.

D. Where their future lies. Are they going to be the Buffalo Bills or the LA Bills so they can attract free agents.

2. Miami Dolphins

A. The Dolphins have a promising young qb, a good offensive line, and running game. Their wrs are not number receivers. They need to address this through free agency, the draft, or trade (watch for Anquan Boldin to go here).

B. The Dolphins defense was good but at the end of the season they could not stop anyone early in games. They have an older defensive unit that would benefit from youth and depth. Their two young corners played well but they need help at defensive line, linebacker, and at the safety positions.

AFC North

1. Cleveland Browns

A. Is Eric Mangini coming or going?

B. What are they doing at qb? Derek Anderson has worn out his welcome, and their are still question marks about Brady Quinn. Holgrem has a decision there.

C. The offensive line improved over the year and they could benefit with some better depth to push some players.

D. Jerome Harrison proved he could be an every down back. While at receiver Mohamed Massaquoi showed flashes. Beyond Massaquoi no one stands out so the Browns will be looking for a playmaker.

C. On the defensive side of the ball the Browns got better as the year went on but they really need to get help everywhere. No one stands out defensively for this team. Luckily for them they have an abundance of draft picks this year.

2. Pittsburgh Steelers

A. Who would have thought after last year the defending Super Bowl champs will be sitting out this year. As we learned with this team the offensive line was the achilles for it. The line got Big Ben killed and established not much of a running game. They played so bad offensive coordinator Bruce Arians may get fired. So the offensive line will be addressed.

B. Rumors are that Hines Ward may go. With the emergence of Mike Wallace the Steelers may look to address the receiver position through the draft but I would not be surprised to see them make a run at someone through free agency.

C. Defensively the Steelers are still pretty strong but I would not be surprised to see them go for depth in the secondary and defensive line.

AFC South

1. Tennessee Titans

A. It is too bad that the Titans could not get a win earlier in the year. I think they would have been fun to watch in the playoffs. That being said the Titans are in dire need of a number one receiver. TO would have been a perfect fit last year. Kenny Britt made strides and looks like he will be a nice player but to go anywhere next year he will have to improve and the Titans will need a major impact from that position.

B. Their offensive line is a great unit. They are getting older and will need depth there.

C. Their secondary killed them this year. They have some nice pieces but it did not work this year so they need much help at this position.

2. Jacksonville Jaguars
A. Where are you playing next year? LA, San Antonio, or Jacksonville.

B. Their defense has been a solid unit so some depth there.

C. A qb of the future. David Garrard is a good player but he will never be an elite qb. Rumors have Teebow going to play for his hometown team. I think Teebow will play and be good in this league but as a qb of the future I do not know. If the Jags are looking for a qb of the future they need to go with a traditional qb like Sam Bradford or Colt McCoy.

D. The offensive line is good but depth would help too.

3. Houston Texans

A. The last few years they keep getting closer. Overall this is a good team they just need depth at every position.

B. Is Slaton the rb? If the answer is no then they need one.

C. Will Kevin Walter be back? If the answer is no they will need 2 receivers.

AFC West

1. Oakland Raiders

A. Will Cable be back? Is Al Davis going to make the coach have Jamarcus Russell be the starter? It is hard to grade the Raiders and figure out what they need because of Russell's lack of development.

B. The offensive line is not very good. They need people there.

C. A number one receiver. They have talent there but a true number one would help.

D. Defensive line help as well as linebacker. The secondary is decent so they can focus on other areas.

E. For Al Davis to realize he needs a GM and a personnel guy who will help him run this team.

2. Denver Broncos

A. A qb of the future. Though Kyle Orton played well the Broncos need to find a qb of the future.

B. Solve the Brandon Marshall situation and get another number one receiver.

C. Defensive depth.

3. Kansas City Chiefs

A. Great hiring of Weis. Help along the offensive line is a must. The receivers played nicely and not much work is needed there. A running back to pair with Jamal Charles is another must.

B. This team needs help everywhere defensively.

NFC East

1. New York Giants

A. Offensively the Giants are good some depth here or there. Depending what they do with Jacobs they may need a running back.

B. Defensively the Giants need help everywhere. The line does not need as much as the linebacker or secondary positions. At this point anything will do better than what they had.

2. Washington Redskins

A. What will Shanahan do with Jason Campbell? Whatever it is I expect another qb to be brought in.

B. Help along the offensive line. With the injuries and age this team needs as much help there as possible.

C. A running back. Portis can still play but with concussions and age his time is coming to retirement.

D. Though defensively they have people depth and people who could push others is needed.

NFC North

1. Detroit Lions

A. This team is still rebuilding and needs help everywhere. Offensive line help, a running back are musts on offense.

B. Defensively they should focus on the line and secondary. They need help everywhere here but those two areas specifically.

2. Chicago Bears

A. Lovie keeps his job and needs to add people to keep it past this year. Two specific areas needed are at wide receiver and offensive line.

B. Defensively they get people back which will help. D-line and the secondary should be a focus.

NFC South

1. Atlanta Falcons

A. Offensively this team is good but they could use another receiver or two as well as depth along the o-line.

B. Defensively they will probably look for help at the linebacker position along with the d-line.

2. Carolina Panthers

A. Is Matt Moore the qb of the future? If yes then they do not need to get one. That will be a tough decision.

B. Besides qb they will need to address the receiver position on offense.

C. On defense they will look for help in the secondary as well as the d-line especially with the anticipated departure of Julius Peppers.

3. Tampa Bay Buccaneers

A. The Bucs are a team that need help everywhere. I think they will first look for help along both the o and d-lines. Then they will look for help anywhere else.

NFC West

1. San Francisco 49ers

A. Is Alex Smith the qb of the future? If yes then they will not need to address it. I think they should.

B. Offensively this team played well. They need more consistency as well as help at the receiver position. The o-line played well and they may look for depth there.

C. Defensively this team improved. I expect for them to address the d-line and depth elsewhere.

2. Seattle Seahawks

A. A qb is a must. Hassleback looked old and the Seahawks need to get one for the future.

B. A rb is a must as well. No one stood out as a starter for them this year. Also they need help in the receiver department.

C. Defensively they have some players coming back from injury but need to address all positions there. Tatupu and Curry are a nice two pieces and they need more around them.

3. Saint Louis Rams

A. This is a team in a major rebuilding process. They need help everywhere except running back. I will look for them to build both the o and d-lines but they may go for a qb of the future as well. Anything else at this point will help this team.

Things to look for

With the postseason here for 20 NFL teams I am in the process of writing needs for the teams that are not in the playoffs so look for that as well as my first 2010 mock draft.

LA Eyes Bills and Jaguars

Los Angeles is looking to build a new football stadium and are looking at either the Jacksonville Jaguars or Buffalo Bills to move into it. LA building a stadium and looking for an NFL franchise is not a surprise. As a team moving there I would be very careful. Many NFL teams have failed in LA though it is one of the bigger markets in the country. The reason teams fail there is because of how transient LA is. People come and go and many people there root for other NFL teams and do not want to buy season tickets when they can just get Direct TV or go to a sports bar. NFL teams beware.

As for the two teams that may move. I am not surprised by Jacksonville. They have had trouble selling tickets and Jacksonville has taken a rough hit in this economy. As for the Bills it would be very sad to see them go. They are a fixture in Northern New York and have a great NFL history. As with Jacksonville I understand why they maybe going but they do have a strong fan base that is loyal to the team much similar to when the Ravens moved out of Cleveland. The only difference is I do not know if the NFL would go back to Buffalo.

As for either team moving it will be interesting to see if they do move how the realignment would work. Since they are AFC teams maybe Denver would move to the other division since they are central in the US. Either way these rumors are picking up and I would not be surprised if by the draft we know where these two teams plan on being in the future.

Redskins Hire Shananhan

In the biggest kept secret the Washington Redskins hired Mike Shanahan yesterday. We all knew this move was expected for awhile. This was a quick strike by the Redskins and a move in the right direction. With new GM Bruce Allen and Shanahan they are respected enough that I think Dan Snyder will not have his hands on persennel decisions which will make this team better from the start.

It will be interesting to see what Shanahan does with the qb position. Jason Campbell is the reigning qb and is a free agent. Shanahan is great with devloping qbs and rbs so we will keep our eyes posted. Either way the Redskins should be competitive under Shanahan next year and should be a playoff contender in two years.

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Jets Owner Woody Johnson's Daughter Passes Away

Our condolences to Jets owner Woody Johnson. His daughter Casey has passed away at the age of 30. Casey had been in the news recently because of an arrest for breaking into her ex girlfriends house and most recently for being engaged to reality star Tila Tequila. This is a sad day when someone that young passes away and someone has to bury a child. Our thoughts and prayers are with the Johnson family at this time.

Morris Staying for 2nd Season

Raheem Morris will keep his job in Tampa Bay and coach for a 2nd season. I am happy to see this because I think Morris grew into the job and the players liked playing for him. If he keeps his job a 3rd year will come down to the development of Josh Freeman. Raheem seems like he will be a good coach. Hopefully for him he learned this first year and he too can improve.

Playoff Predictions

Wildcard Weekend
1. Jets over Bengals
2. Eagles over Cowboys
3. Patriots over Ravens
4. Packers over Cardinals

Divisional Weekend
1. Chargers over Jets
2. Eagles over Saints
3. Colts over Patriots
4. Packers over Vikings

Championship Weekend
1. Chargers over Colts
2. Packers over Eagles

Super Bowl
Chargers over Packers

I think the Chargers are playing great and just have that Super Bowl feel. The running game scares me but Rivers and his weapons have been playing great and the defense has been good enough. The Packers get the edge over the Eagles because they would host the Championship game. I was tempted to put the Eagles but the Packers defense has come together at the right time to make a run. Either way as usual the playoffs will be fun to watch.

Playoff Picks

This Saturday marks the Wildcard Weekend for football. With three rematches from Week 17 it should make for a wild and crazy weekend.

Jets at Bengals
In the first of the three rematches it pits the Wildcard Jets against the AFC North Champions Bengals. The Jets smoked the Bengals on Sunday night. The Bengals did sit their leading rusher as well as three defensive starters. All are expected to play Saturday. I expect a much tighter and closer game. The Bengals will be out for revenge. I expect this game to be close through the 4th quarter. I see the Jets with the same gameplan. Play defense and run run run. I see that formula working for them. I see the Jets winning 24-20.

Eagles at Cowboys
The Cowboys are playing great. The Eagles let a great opportunity slip by on Sunday. The home run hitting Eagles struck out. Tony Romo and the Cowboys d played nearly a perfect game. The Eagles barely blitzed Romo which was surprising because they blitz just about every play. I expect the Eagle to put more pressure on Romo this weekend and for a play or two to go there way. I see a close game with probably the last team with the ball to win (the Cowboys hope it does not come down to kicker Shaun Suisham). That being said I think the Eagles squeak this out 27-24.

Ravens at Patriots
This is the game that I want to see. A suspect Patriots defense against an explosive player in Ray Rice and a Ravens offense that is coming along. Then a good Patriots offense (Welker will be missed but Edelman will replace him nicely) against a weaker but still good Ravens defense. I think this will be the game of the week. I see a close game but the Patriots at home in the playoffs will not lose. Patriots 24-17.

Packers at Cardinals
The Cardinals have not been playing well and the Packers have. The Cards may lose Boldin for this game which will be a huge loss. If Boldin does not play I see the Packers winning this one going away. If he does it will be a little closer but I still see the Packers winning. Packers 31-20.

Bills Clean House

In a shocking move the Buffalo Bills fired everyone on their coaching staff. Many were surprised by this because usually when a coach is fired and the organization looks for a new coach they will keep assistants on to see if they will be retained by the new coach. Interim coach Perry Fewell will interview to be the permanent head coach. At this point no one is linked to this job though Bobby Nix the new GM was in San Diego when Marty Schottenheimer was and Marty's name has been mentioned (though he says he is retired) as a replacement but also his son Brian (offensive coordinator of the Jets) so it will be something to keep a close eye on.

Cowher Not Coaching

Many have reported that Bill Cowher will stay with CBS and get back into coaching in 2011. Cowher I believe had his eye on the Carolina job but with the way the Panthers played down the stretch they decided to let John Fox coach his final year in Carolina. It is believed the Bills and the Buccaneers reached out to Cowher but that he had no interest. With Cowher living in North Carolina he seems not to want to move from the area. I believe Cowher will see what happens in Carolina this year and if their is no change he maybe open up to seeing what else is out there.

Zorn Fired

In a not so shocking move the Redskins fired Jim Zorn on Monday (I think his office was cleaned out in the beginning of November). Mike Shanahan was flown in early Monday and it has been reported that an announcement can come as early as today that he will be the head coach. This is not a shock. We will keep you posted.

Monday, January 4, 2010

Week 17 quickhits

Week 17 is complete and now we are onto the playoffs. The NFL season always seems to fly. We are now down to 12 teams as 20 go home and prepare for the offseason. Lets look at the week 17 games and then we will talk about the playoffs and offseason for the 20 teams that are home.

-The Bills beat the Colts in a snowstorm in Buffalo. The Bills played a good game against the Colts back ups. Not much to say in this one. We will see the Colts in a few weeks and we will see if sitting the last two weeks will payoff for them.

-The Panthers beat the Saints. Many teams in the NFC are happy not to see the Panthers in the playoffs. The Panthers have played well the last few weeks running the ball and Matt Moore looks like he may be a decent starter next year. The Saints did not play Brees or Sharper so not much to say about them but we will see if the three game losing streak will affect them in the playoffs.

-The Browns may have saved Eric Mangini’s job. The team played great down the stretch and played spoiler for the Jaguars. The Jags made a late run but fell short. Kind of like the season was for them. I have mentioned before to watch the Jack Del Rio situation in Jacksonville. He is a good coach but has never gotten over the hurdle. It would be interesting to see with the financial situation in Jacksonville if they will fire him. Also do not be surprised to start hearing about the Jaguars looking to move to San Antonio or Los Angeles.

-The Cowboys proved that their December/January woes are behind them. They played a great offensive and defensive game and shut down the home run hitting Eagles. I expect the Eagles to play better in the rematch this weekend.
-The Bears beat the Lions in a closer game than the score shows. Jay Cutler played very well (what the Bears thought they were getting). Both teams close out the season with many questions this offseason. Do the Bears bring Lovie back? Does Ron Turner (offensive coordinator return)? For the Lions where else do they go in their rebuilding? The first year was a success now they need to build off of it.

-In a wild and crazy game the Texans beat the Patriots. The Texans needed help to get into the playoffs but did not get it. Gary Kubiak does keep his job and the Texans extended Matt Schaub through 2013. The Texans are a good team looking to get over the hurdle. If they do not next year Kubiak will be on the unemployment line. The offense is not the problem with this team. The Texans need to focus on the defense this offseason. As for the Patriots they go into the playoffs banged up. The broken finger and ribs that Brady may have and you add in the big loss of Wes Welker. Welker is a huge loss for the Patriots and it is such a shame to see a great player who gives it his all to get injured. I hope him a speedy recovery. The Patriots will miss Welker but Julian Edelman will fill in nicely.

-In a battle of survival the Steelers help on to beat the Dolphins. The Steelers needed help after their win and they did not get it. They played well but the five game losing streak in the middle of the year killed the Steelers. I expect the Steelers to get some help along the offensive line and other areas and be ready to make another Super Bowl run next year. As for the Dolphins giving up big leads caught up with them the past two weeks. They have found a qb of the future with Henne. I hope he recovers from his eye injury and Pat White recovers from his concussion. It was a scary hit that White took but many reports said he will be fine which was great to hear.

-The Vikings got a huge win and help from the Cowboys to clinch the number two seed. The Giants got blown out for a second week in a row. The Giants will look to improve the defense in the offseason and it has already happened with the firing of defensive coordinator Bill Sheridan. Tom Coughlin better correct the defensive situation or he too maybe looking for a job. People are questioning if the players have given up on Coughlin. It will be interesting to see what happens with the Giants.

-The Falcons closed out its first back to back winning seasons in 43 years. They have built a foundation and have a qb of the future. If they can get some help defensively I believe they may be looking at three winning seasons in a row. As for the Buccaneers. We will see this week what happens with Raheem Morris. This team has played better the last few weeks and Morris seemed to get better as the year went on. Bill Cowher’s name has been mentioned with the Bucs so it could get interesting. Either way Josh Freeman showed flashes this year but this team needs help everywhere.

-The 9ers closed out the season with a nice win against the Rams. It was close for three quarters before the 9ers took advantage. The 9ers had a good year and are building a foundation with Mike Singletary. I expect them to look to secure the qb situation this offseason. As for the Rams the rebuilding continues. This team needs a lot. With the number one pick Ndamukong Suh should be the pick. Building the lines and finding a qb should be this teams goals.

-The Packers crushed the Cardinals in a game Kurt Warner only played a quarter. I do not look too much into this game. The only concern I do take from this are the injuries to Charles Woodson and Anquan Boldin. The rematch should be a good one on Saturday with a slight edge to the Packers because of the way they have played the last few weeks.

-The Ravens beat the Raiders in a game Baltimore needed to clinch a playoff spot. The offense scored enough and the defense clamped the Raiders when Jamarcus Russell came in. Had Charlie Frye been able to finish this game the Raiders might have had a chance. It will be interesting to see what the Raiders do this offseason. John Madden has told Al Davis to hire a GM. If that happens look for them to hire a new Head Coach too. Also the team needs to make a decision on Russell and the qb for next year.

-The Chiefs beat the Broncos in a game the Broncos should have had. The Chiefs played well down the stretch and have a franchise qb and rb. The offensive line need helps as well as the wr position. The defense has not played well and needs players. If the rumors are true of the of Romeo Crennell as defensive coordinator it will help this team improve. As for the Broncos McDaniels proved he can coach in this league and has shown he can control his players. It will be interesting to see what happens with the Brandon Marshall situation as well as what they do with Kyle Orton.

-The Redskins played tough against the Chargers who rested their starters. The Chargers are playing well and are a favorite for the Super Bowl. The Redskins have already fired Jim Zorn and head into the offseason with questions at qb and rb. It will be interesting to see what this team does. Does Shannahan come and what does he do?

-The Titans got Chris Johnson to 2,000 yards and they beat the Seahawks. The Titans played great down the stretch and is one of those teams many are happy not to see in the playoffs. They will look for help at the receiver position and depth on the defense. As for the Seahawks it is time to rebuild. Time to find a qb, rb, and help everywhere else. The first question going into the offseason for them do you keep Jim Mora?

-Now onto the shocker of the day/evening. Many Jet fans expected the Same Ol Jets to show up and find a way to lose the win and in situation they found themselves in. In frigid temperatures the Jets not only beat the Bengals the Bengals did nothing on offense. They had a total of 72 yards. Now you add in Cedric Benson did not play and the Bengals had a vanilla offense knowing they would play the Jets in Wildcard Weekend. As for the Jets they ran the ball all over the Bengals and Marc Sanchez was efficient. The defense was swarming to the ball and they never took the foot off the pedal. I expect a much closer game this Saturday.